Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A day with Grandma

My grandma Dyer is the sweetest, most amazing woman I know or have ever known. She is the finest example of service, charity, kindness, unconditional love and devotion. I fall short compared to her in a zillion different ways, but I absoloutely love being near her. The kids and I went to visit her last week and spent the afternoon listening to her play the piano (she has two grand piano's in her living room, she loves to play but has a hard time now because of her eyes and fingers). Jaemon played on the big white couch like I did as a child, it is the coolest couch EVER!!! You just sink into it like you're on a cloud!!! We talked, had lunch, looked at pictures, sang at the piano together and had cookies, (her famous chocolate chip ones that she seems to ALWAYS have on hand!) I have many incredible memories of Grandma, but mostly I just love how I feel when I'm around her. I want my kids to know and remember the feeling too. It's love, acceptance and just sweet goodness. I love her with all my heart!!!! I'm so glad to have had a great day with her!


Heather said...

Those days are priceless. I think Grandma's are so special. I'm glad you had the day with her. Cute pictures too.

Becky said...

Cathi, I remember your cute grandma...she looks exactly the same...didn't you have a birthday party at her house?? It's so fun for the kids to spend time with their great grandparents.

DeHart Family said...

grandmas are the best...put a pic of your tree this christmas...