Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Gracie!

Gracie was born on a beautiful fall morning! We were so happy to have her join and complete our family!
She has always been a sweet, happy little thing and, of course, being the baby is spoiled rotten, as any true princess always is!
Some of Gracie's favorites are, reading her favorite books, Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious, playing chef in her kitchen and helping mommy bake for real. She loves to play on slides and swings. She takes after her mom and loves to go to the mall, especially the Disney Store and Build a Bear. Gracie's favorite foods are: Cookie Crisp, Steak, and "wolly-pots" (lollypops). Of course anything about a Princess makes her happy. We love our baby so much and are so glad she's part of our family!! Happy Birthday sweetie!!!


Heather said...

Happy Birthday to cute little Gracie!!! She is adorable and I happen to know, very loved. I remember you finding out that you were getting another little girl and how happy you were. I know the feeling. Girls are soooo much fun!!!