Saturday, September 12, 2009


Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the crash in Pennsylvania. Time really does make us forget, but yesterday I attended a memorial service that Tyler sang in. It made me remember.
They sang "Proud to be an American."
There were so many servicemen and women who died trying to help those in the buildings, there continue to be so many fighting against terrorism. Unfortunately, there are so many American's who do nothing but complain and whine about so many things. There was a brief message about this at the memorial. In essence, he said that we of all people, should be GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, and step up to the plate and teach our kids about RESPECT and to REMEMBER all those who have fought, continue to fight and those whose lives were taken, in wars, in the terrorism attacks and in the future. Whether we like it or not, whether our political views coincide or not, whether we're black or white, male or female, young or old, big or small, we ALL should step it up, just like we did in the days following the attacks. We have a great, amazing country to live in. Having been raised in another wonderful country, I know for sure that we are very blessed, in both USA and Canada, with freedoms that so many people take for granted. I hope with all my heart that I can teach my children those values that will help them to never forget.

It's people like this sweet veteran couple that have helped us to be free. I hope I don't let them down!!!


Heather said...

Thanks for yet another reminder about this Cathi. It is so important that we never forget the magnitude of what has been done to keep us free. We live in an amazing nation and often take for granted what wonderful blessings we have in huge part because of our servicemen and women. Thanks to so many wonderful Americans.