Saturday, March 20, 2010


I have 3 sets of kids; The Bigs, The Tweens and The Littles. I spend a lot of time taking The Bigs and The Tweens to all of their activities, and I mean A LOT of time. Sometimes The Littles don't want to be the taxi passengers and I forget that they really are really really LITTLE. I get upset with them whining and wanting to listen to "Eye of the Tiger" over and over (yes I know that's strange little kid music, but they really really love it) needing an ice cream any time we go near McD's, the smeary fingerprints all over my Iphone because that's what they play with whenever we're out n' about which is ALWAYS, but when we live in the car, I will do about anything to get them to stop fighting, complaining and carrying on!Many times the Bigs and Tweens complain about all the "stuff" too. Well, I got to thinking about when my BIGS weren't so big, and what we did all day. Things were a lot simpler than. A Lot. I started feeling melancholy and guilty. SO, we got out the bubbles. I'm telling ya, bubbles are the cure all for most things. We had a blast. My Littles got to be little, they were happy. My Tweens came home and they had a blast too, cuz after all, they're part little too. My Bigs saw the pictures and said "ahhhh, we want to play with bubbles". We all played with bubbles.
Sometimes I struggle between good things, better things, and best things. I try to juggle them all, I try to do what's right for all three sets of kids. But today, best was just bubbles. Nothing else mattered.
It was the best.


Heather said...

That's very fun. I remember those "McD's play days and swinging at the park." My littles haven't gotten fair time there for sure. It's harder when you have bigs that fill your time in different ways. I guess the littles will get complete undivided attention from us when they are big. We won't be running back and forth and leaving early to take care of the littles when they are in high school. It all works out. CUTE POST!! CUTE KIDS!!

Momma Paulson said...

Great post! I don't have I'm a bit jealous. It's good to see you are enjoying them. Bubbles are good for everyone! And you are a great mother that manages 3 sets of kids very well. :)

Denice said...

Love your post! It's so true that our "littles" have a way different life than our "bigs" did when they were little. It's so hard to really address the needs of all of the kids at once, but yes, I do think bubbles are the trick! (when we went to Europe, bubbled were my secret weapon! I kept stashes of them in my backpack, just for emergencies!)

DeHart Family said...

That is the best...

JJ said...

I love blowing bubbles, You should also try making or getting I spy bags

They are a fun activity and you can always find different things every time.